Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Waiter - Cameriere

Zaw Lay is 25 and until a year ago his life was in the capital of Burma, Rangoon. Then, he decided to get on a bus directed to Thailand with only a bunch of money. He is not the first nor will be the last, many others have done it. When one lives in fear and insecurity, surrounded by censorship and control, escaping is one of the options likely to be considered. He has no documents, no passport, no ID card. He bribed the officer at the check point and managed to enter the neighbouring country. He is a shadow. He cannot raise his voice and is of course underpaid. He works as a waiter at a local restaurant and has no time for himself. Recently, he won his shyness and understood that can learn a few things of English when I go have dinner at that restaurant. He has a pen, a copybook, a dictionary and willingness. He waits for me to finish dinner and chitchatting, and then comes offering me fruits and sitting next to me. He's all ears. It's good I can help him, but it all leaves me with a rather bitter taste.

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Zolei ha 25 anni e fino a un anno fa la sua vita era nella capitale birmana Rangoon. Un giorno decide di salire su un bus diretto in Tailandia con solo una manciata di soldi. Non é né il primo né l'ultimo, lo hanno fatto in tanti altri. Quando si vive nella paura e nell'insicurezza, circondati da censura e controlli, fuggire é una delle opzioni inevitabilmente prese in considerazione. Non ha uno straccio di documento, né una carta d'identità, né il passaporto. Ha pagato l'ufficiale alla frontiera sottobanco e da allora sta qui nello Stato confinante. E' un'ombra. Non puó alzare la voce ed é sottopagato. Lavora come cameriere in un ristorante locale e non ha tempo per sé stesso. Di rencente ha vinto la sua timidezza e ha capito che puó imparare qualcosa d'inglese quelle volte che vado a cenare al ristorante. Si munisce di penna, quaderno, dizionario e buona volontà. Cuando finisco la mia cena e la mia chiacchiera, viene a offrirmi della frutta e si siede lí con me tutto orecchie. Nonostante mi ritrovi in ruoli in cui mai avrei pensato di ritrovarmi, son contenta di dargli una mano, ma la cosa mi lascia con un sapore alquanto amaro.


  1. Those are the moments anger and saddnes. I can image on these moment you are feeling helpless. The fact of helping him is a good feeling for Zaw Lay. Someone is taking care of him.

  2. Very unfair. Too often I end up hearing about the injustices and unfair situation caused by the Burmese government...It's the longest military dictatorship in the world.

  3. The sooner we rid ourselves of Burma and North Korea the better..

    What is important is that Zaw Lay and all those others in the same position, are recognized, taken serious and given a chance to give their story, express themselves and have the feeling they are being heard. I do think it makes a difference that you are there, being all ears and giving him a voice...on a blog.

    The battle continues to provide passports to the estimated 12 million people worldwide who are stateless and the many, many millions more that live 'undocumented'.

