We were leaving Montagu, an adorable town located on the scenic Route 62, when our host stopped us to say that on our way we really had to stop at Ronnies Sex Shop. 'What? Where? To do what?'. He insisted that this place had nothing to do with what its name suggested, but when we enquired about its location he replied, broadly, that it was on the way. And so we left directed to Outshoorn, keeping in mind his suggestion and being aware that appearances are too often deceving. Driving through the little Karoo, we were so busy taking pictures of both the landscape and funny city names, that we almost missed this mysterious Sex Shop, but all of a sudden we saw a simple, roofless, white house with a red writing on one of the outer walls. It said clearly Ronnies Sex Shop. The moment we parked the car we realized what it was all about: EATING BURGERS! What an agreeable surprise!
Delicious, juicy burgers are served at this road kill cafè, together with a cold beer, or a coke, or a rooibos tea - to one's liking. The view of the mountains makes the half deserted surrounding more enjoyable. The interiors are pricelessly decorated with bras and underwear improvising a sort of sex shop ambience. Ronnie sits quietly at the bar, with the look of a motorcyclist who found his oasis in the middle of the desert and never left it. He keeps his peaceful smile on also when people ask him that one question that everybody asks: where does the name come from? I cannot say if he likes to change his story every now and then, but this is my answer: the shop was orginally named Ronnie se shop, which in Afrikaans simply means Ronnie's shop, in other words the shop of Ronnie! How easy was that? But later on, some of his English friends, certainly endowed of an amusing humour, added an X to it, and the name became Ronnie SeX Shop. Needless to say that from that moment onwards more people started to stop at his cafè out of curiosity! And I can humbly say that it is still worth a stop.
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Questo ristorantino al bordo della strada serve deliziosi e succulenti hamburger insieme a una birra fredda, o coca-cola, o tè rooibos, a piacimento. La vista delle montagne impreziosisce i dintorni semi-deserti. Gli interni del bistro sono impagabilmente decorati con reggiseni e mutandine, improvvisando una certa atmosfera da sex shop. Ronnie è seduto lì tranquillo, con l'aria di un motociclista che ha trovato la sua oasi nel deserto senza più andarsene. Ha questo sorriso pacifico anche quando la gente gli pone la domanda che tutti gli chiedono: perché questo nome, da dove potrà mai venire? Non so dire se si diverte a cambiare risposta ogni tanto, ma la mia risposta è questa: il suo negozio era chiamato in origine Ronnie se shop, che in Afrikaans vuol dire semplicemente 'negozio di Ronnie'. Facile, no? Ma un giorno alcuni suoi amici inglesi gli hanno aggiunto una X e il nome si è così trasformato in Ronnie SeX Shop! Immagino che non occorra raccontare come mai da quel momento in poi il numero di clienti aumenta, e sempre più avventurieri sulla Route 62 vi si fermano incuriositi. E posso dire che ancora oggi vale proprio la pena fermarsi!
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