Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Days like this

Four fans in a room, why not?
There are days like today, so unbearably hot that one doesn't know where to bang his head, but gets surrounded by fans and thank buddha it feels a bit better. Slightly more bearable. Then, luckily, it gets gray cloudy and before one can finish any rain-dance, there it is, the storm starts...Ah, what a relief! I happily walk around in my shorts and put my feet in the pouring rain...
Time to head soon to the islands in the south!

*** *** ***
Ci sono giorni come oggi, cosí caldi che uno proprio non sa dove sbattersi la testa e si circonda di ventilatori che, grazie a budda, ridanno un pò di respiro. Un pò, però. Poi, per fortuna, il cielo si annuvola di grigio e prima che uno possa finire qualsiasi danza della pioggia, eccolo là, arriva l'acquazzone! Ahh...che meraviglia! Cammino in giro in pantaloncini e metto i piedi sotto l'acqua e dentro le pozzanghere...Mi sa che é ora di andare verso le isole al sud!


  1. Almost stating the obvious but...for rain I can also recommend Brussels.

  2. Oh really, thanks for the tip! :D I have heard is such an awesome place! Lol. About two weeks to test it then!

  3. Aha, also in Thailand sometimes the rain is nice and refreshing. But now enjoy the south of Thailand. Have a nice trip.

  4. Avevo commentato oggi, dicendo che mi ero finalmente updatata sul blog, dopo una settimana di templi e di una strepitosa bangkok. E ora sei inserita nel mio Google reader, mo' non ti perdo piu!

  5. Elena,
    Title of your comment " Days like this" is also the title of one of Van Morrison's many LP's/CD's issued in 1994
    Title track Days like this was adopted as the unofficial anthem of ceasefire in Northern Ireland
    Might be also good for the Thai people.

  6. Dear Elena

    The titel above this short story "Days like this" is identical to the title track of one of > 30 longplayers/CD's (this one dates from 1994) issued by Van the Man( = Van Morrison) Title track was adopted as the unofficial anthem of the ceasefire in Northern Ireland
    It might also help in Thailand


  7. Hey Geert, really thanks for sharing this! I didn't know that. I just listened to it on youtube and loved it. I guess the Thai won't mind a more orientalish sound :)

