Thursday, 25 October 2012

Lo scontrino/The receipt

Lo scontrino é enorme, nuovo e inaspettato. Siamo al mercato. La pausa pranzo ci costa un dollaro in totale e il tè ci viene offerto, prassi comune. Lo scontrino parla chiaro: 3000riel = cibo, 1000riel = riso. Totale 4000riel (=1$). La ricevuta è completamente inutile, ma almeno è un simpatico souvenir. 

$$$ $$$

The receipt is huge, new and unexpected. We are at the market, having our lunch break for only one dollar, and tea is for free according to customs. The receipt speaks for itself: 3000riel = food, 1000riel = rice. Total 4000riel (=1$). This receipt is totally useless, but quite a fun souvenir.


  1. They have to give a receipt by law? A nice piece of artwork....

  2. :) Law is a big word in this country! It's an A4 piece of paper, a totally environmentally unfriendly souvenir!

