Thursday, 27 May 2010

La nuit porte conseil

A hundreds things have happened since we're back. The weather has been switching from winter to spring and then back to autumn, leaving us confused and disappointed. In the while, Poland lost its President, Britain got a hung parliament and Iceland, which under the surface is a boiling island, sent us an ash cloud that still keeps impeding air traffic. The Greek folk, who is not really the worst in the EU, erupted in violence and frustration seeming to shout 'who needs banks when we've got democracy?!' and still turning the craddle of democracy in the coffin of decency. The coast of Lousiana is being covered in black-petrol-colour and no one seems to move a finger, while earthquakes keep shaking from Chile to China.
So far, holding the American spirit in old Europe hasn't been really easy. We've been to beautiful Keukenhof, to Maastricht, to Westfalia, to birthdays and concerts and yet I've the feeling of not being really home. It seems that my backpack is still waiting to be unpacked and my mind still needs to see which is the next direction. Soon I'll go check on Brussels and tonight, being totally in a French mood, I'll be going to bed knowing that 'la nuit porte conseil'.

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