Thursday, 26 April 2012

Call it unusual...

A myriad of "unusual aesthetical objects" was on display last weekend at the Design Market. Among exquisite vintage cars, countless chairs that have possibly marked the history of interior design, and various objects from the 1950s and 1980s, some unusual things definitely caught everyone's eye. In my modest opinion, the oddest winners of the contest I just made up were:
  • A leg-table (not a table leg), with sensual female legs, but possibly obscene;
  • a toad, mouth-open full of hearts, quite cute;
  • an alien looking sculpture...don't we all imagine aliens to be green and have three eyes?!?
  • a wooden couch with hypnotizing designs, including table, quite uncomfortable. And last but not least...
  • Pluto! Still wondering what its function could be...

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Once in a decade

Frozen canal by the Flower Market in Amsterdam
I wrote my last post from a tropical country during summer time. The contrast with today couldn't be more obvious. After a hint of spring in the past weeks, winter has come back with its monotony and greyness. Winter is the season I like the least, it is all dull and not much happens. But to be fair, this past winter had some spectacular moments too.

About once in a decade, the canals in Amsterdam freeze. Last time it happened it was 1997! This year it happened again! It's an event to be celebrated and at least to be seen, if one can. Many have visited the country for the occasion, and the Dutch just couldn't resist having a lot of ice-fun and ice-skating! Among my favourite cities in the world, Amsterdam has already a magic atmosphere, but the frozen canals sure add an extra thing to it. Overal, a memorable experience and one of the best winter days of 2012!
